Page Speed Optimization

Fast page speed is important for visitors to your website and is a ranking factor for Google.

Why Optimizing Your Page Speed is Important

Page speed optimization is important because it helps the pages on your website load faster, which in turn helps increase conversion rates. Optimizing the load time for your website’s pages is important for a number of reasons.

  • It helps the website to load faster, which in turn helps to increase conversion rates.
  • It makes the site more accessible for users from all parts of the world and on all types of devices.
  • It ensures that search engine crawlers can easily access and index your content.
  • It is a ranking factor for Google.
  • Your site visitors won’t be happy if they have to wait too long for your page to load.

Testing Your Website’s Page Speed

Google created a tool called PageSpeed Insights that helps you identify the things that could be slowing down your site. It can help you identify and fix some of the most common causes of slow web performance, like inefficient images or scripts, blocking JavaScript and CSS from reaching browsers, and excessive time spent waiting for a connection to be established.

Most site owners are not tech savvy to tackle these issues, but we at Blue Lacy SEO are. It doesn’t matter what page speed other tools may indicate because the results from Google is one of many factors in determining how your page ranks in the search engine results.

How We Improved the Page Speed for a Client

Before Page Speed Optimizations

After Page Speed Optimizations

See how fast your page speed is by going to Google PageSpeed Insights.

Page speed optimization is part of our SEO packages, but it is also a stand-alone service (WordPress sites only).

The cost is only $89 (one-time fee).
Note: Optimization requires access to your WordPress website and installation of 1 or more plugins. We cannot guarantee what your score will be in Google PageSpeed Insights but we can guarantee it will be faster.